5 tips to maintain a work-life balance when working from home

Though it started out as a temporary measure, working from home is likely to continue to some extent even after companies are allowed to resume normal activities. Reduced overhead costs, a geographically unrestricted talent pool and employees’ preferences are just three of the many reasons why some remote working arrangements will persist. 

This has the upside of allowing employees to spend more time with their family, scheduling their work with more flexibility to maximise their productivity and reducing commute expenses. In and of itself, this situation is giving us what we’ve always longed for; an opportunity to live more balanced and fulfilling lives.  However, when your house is your office, the line between office hours and off-work hours blurs. How can we tackle this and maintain a work-life balance when working from home?

1. Let go of rigidity - Accept that working from home requires a flexible mindset

Working from home will come with interruptions, both expected and unexpected. Maybe your parents are feeling hungry, or your children need help with their homework. Do not stress out about adhering to your pre-determined schedule. Your schedule is a guide, not a rulebook. There will be days where nothing goes as planned. Sustaining a work from home arrangement requires an acceptance of this uncertainty and a flexible mindset.

2. You are doing the best you can - Take short self-compassion breaks

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When our work and home environments are one and the same, we may not feel the relief of reaching home after a day of work that revitalises some of us. To keep ourselves going throughout the work day, it is important to take short breaks. A short self-compassion break or exercise can help you ease your stress or discomfort and cultivate a healthy, self-compassionate mindset.

3. Be clear on your intentions and make a thoughtful  schedule

When working hours are flexible, work-life balance starts with deciding when you will be on- and off-work. Work out a viable schedule with other responsibilities in mind. The usual 9 to 6 may not work for you if you have children who need help with their home-based schooling. If you require more flexibility due to other commitments, speak to your manager about your difficulties. They may even have a better solution than you. However, try to keep meetings and team projects within regular working hours out of consideration for others

4. Communicate your working hours to your manager and co-workers 

A simple but polite “I am off work now and will get back to you during working hours tomorrow” will get the message across amicably. If you think you may face disruptions during the day, let your team know too! Most are facing similar difficulties and will be understanding. Here are some tips when communicating with your colleagues and managers.

5. Be creative - Find ways to keep yourself on-task during work hours

With no one around to hold you accountable, the temptation to procrastinate and slack off can kick in. Having a work-life balance is not just about having a life outside work, but about balancing that with fulfilling work expectations. To keep you on task during work hours, make a to-do list where you can check off completed tasks or team up with your colleagues to check in on each other. This way, you hold yourself accountable.

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Facebook has already begun planning their transition to a remote working model. With Covid-19 having opened our eyes to the possibilities of working from home, even companies outside the technology industry are likely to continue down this path. Adjustments must be made so that our work-life balance is not compromised.